Univ Strasbourg, CNRS, ICS, Strasbourg, France
Daniel Grande is a CNRS research director at Charles Sadron Institute (ICS) in Strasbourg where he moved in January 2024. Before his present position, he acted as the director of the ICMPE in Thiais for the period 2020-2023. He has been serving as the president of the soft matter section of the National Council for Scientific Research since 2021. He received his Ph.D. degree in polymer chemistry from the University of Bordeaux (France) and the University of Coahuila (Mexico) in 1998, and then he spent about two years at Emory University (Atlanta, USA) as a NIH post-doctoral fellow. His research interests include the development of functional polymer materials with a broad range of porosity scales, including nanoporous materials with controlled porosity anf chemical functionality derived from polymer networks and nanostructured block copolymers, doubly porous materials with nano- and macro-porosity, as well as hybrid macroporous materials based on polymer fibers and inorganic nanoparticles. He is the (co-)author of 140 peer-reviewed publications in international journals, 46 proceedings, 15 book chapters, 2 books, and 14 patents in the field of polymer chemistry and polymeric materials science.
Over the last decade, the preparation of doubly porous materials has particularly attracted the focus of researchers for the design of biocompatible scaffolds meant for biomedical applications. A hierarchical double porosity may constitute a real benefit in the area of tissue engineering as the first porosity with pore sizes higher than 100 µm may enable the seeding and development of suitable cell lines within the material, while the second porosity with pore diameters lower than 1 µm should permit to improve the nutrient and waste flow though the material when the macropores are clogged at the last stage of the cell culture. To develop robust and versatile approaches to biodegradable and/or biocompatible polymer networks with a double porosity, we have proposed novel porogen templating strategies through the use of two distinct types of porogens, namely a macroporogen in combination with a nanoporogen [1-3]. To generate the macroporosity, either NaCl particles or sieved PMMA beads or Nylon® threads are extracted, while the second porosity is generally obtained through phase separation by using a porogenic solvent. Bio-based monomers arising from lignin have been synthesized to chemically mimic wood structure: syringyl methacrylate for hardwood, guaiacyl methacrylate and vanillin methacrylate for softwood [4]. On the other hand, porous biodegradable materials have been prepared by free-radical ring-opening copolymerization of 2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane, i.e. a vinylic cyclic monomer, with a crosslinking agent, i.e. divinyladipate, and a functionalizable and biocompatible monomer. Depending on the targeted application, the functionalization of the pore surface has been assessed with different alkyne or amine-derivatized (macro)molecules. The presence of azide or chlorine moieties at the pore surface constitutes a versatile functionalization platform for the derivatization of such biporous polymers towards antibacterial activities or tissue engineering applications.
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